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The Grotto Gazette: 17/09/23

I think this week's Grotto Gazette may be on the short side 😅. This week has been fairly normal. M has been working, D is still down his end, and V has been at school and Rainbows. I've been doing little bits around the house and gaming. I've also been trying to read, and do my DBT workbook.

I started playing Fae Farm this week, and I am really enjoying it. It's cute and I've spent a lil while on it 😅. It's similar to Stardew Valley, in the sense there's farming, crafting, and relationship-building. There is also magic, but I haven't seen a whole lot of that. I have been streaming it on my Discord, so if you pop along next time you may get to see my farm!

I started reading "The Anxious Persons Guide to Non-monogamy" earlier in the week. I haven't got very far into it yet, but I'm hoping it will be helpful as I am quite an anxious person 😂. The book also says it covers how trauma can impact things so it may have useful skills or advice I could use in regard to that. As well as using that book, I've also gone back to my DBT workbook. This one is aimed at neurospicy folk, and so far it has been a little helpful. Again, I'm not very far into it, but it has covered some things that I could implement.

M has got this coming week off work 🥳. So we are hoping to get some more bits done around the house, as well as spend some quality time together. I'm hoping to try to make a "quest board", for chores, and see how that works. I think this would work well for all of us (me, M, and D), as we are all gamers. So, gameifying chores could be an interesting way to do things.

D is still down his end, he will be back in about 12 days. We have had a couple of phone calls during the week and hung out a little bit while we both gamed. Sometimes we don't get to speak a lot or have phone calls, and that leaves me missing him even more. He's busy a lot when he's at his parents, with family obligations and hanging out with his friends. My life, and social life, isn't as busy as his 😅. My social life is pretty nonexistent outside of M and D 😅.

D has a little Amazon shopping list now, of furniture he is hoping to get when he moves 🤭. I'm excited for the new year to welcome this change and have him be closer to me. But at the same time, I'm scared of change. Joys of being autistic I guess 😂. Both of our lives will be changing, but it is going to be a good change. I am looking forward to when distance isn't an issue for us anymore. I look forward to what our future is going to be like.

This week I experienced some ~feelings~. A mixture of loneliness and possible RSD flares (rejection-sensitive dysphoria). My RSD tends to show its face when I've asked someone for their time, and they either have plans elsewhere or have something else they want to do. I think this is part of the reason why I tend not to ask people to spend time with me, or why I tend to wait for others to plan something with me. If I leave it all up to other people, I don't have to deal with the feelings 😅. RSD isn't a pleasant experience, and I have to distract myself when the feelings arise. Otherwise, it's possible I would start to spiral down a low-self-worth rabbit hole. RSD can also lead to me feeling like I'm being judged badly, which sometimes occurs because of my blog or Discord. Putting myself on display, and talking about the goings-on of my life can lead to ~weird~ feelings 😅.

Anyway, I think that is all for this week. If I manage to get my "quest board" figured out and sorted I'll make sure to show it off 🤭. Remember, I stream on my discord now, so if you fancy hanging out and gaming with me, why not pop along?


My giveaway over on Discord is still active! There are only 14 days left until it ends, so if you want a chance to win, time is running out! There will be future giveaways if you do miss this one.


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