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The Grotto Gazette: 11/06/23

So, I have decided to attempt to write a weekly post about how my week has gone. Some weeks I may have more to say than others, but this will also be a good way to catch up with you. Firstly, and possibly most importantly, I want to talk about my Fiverr. If you keep up with my social media you will have seen that I finished adding all my services to Fiverr. All of which can also be seen here on my website. Well, this week I received my first ever order! After chatting to the person and establishing what they wanted to achieve, I began my work. This was a custom offer, and was done fairly quickly. Everything went smoothly, the client was left happy, and I got a splendid review in return! Although I was nervous at first, I managed to work through that and achieve something we were both proud of. I couldn't ask for a better first client. This is a small step, but a big achievement for myself.

Image shows a Fiverr review screenshot with 5 stars on all categories.
Fiverr Review

This week has also featured a couple of conversations that were uncomfortable at first. Un-comfort came about because these conversations were ones I had not had to do previously, while being monogamous. Although un-comfy at first, they were necessary conversations to have with my upcoming sleep-over happening in around 3 weeks. M (NP/Anchor partner) and I had to discuss logistics of D (potential partner) staying over at our house for a week. Logistics mainly included where D would sleep, thankfully we have a room that isn't used all that much. After that had been arranged M and I had to discuss boundaries around D and I sharing a bed, and sexual health. Although we had discussed sexual health before, it was good to have a catch-up in case anything had changed. The next conversation came when D and I discussed our sexual health boundaries, again this had been previously discussed so it was a fairly short conversation. With all those conversations out of the way it is just a waiting game. There will probably be more we need to discuss but they can be handled when/if the need arises. Uncomfortable conversations are something I am growing more accustomed to. Eventually, they may not be uncomfortable anymore. A lot of the un-comfort stems from the fact I haven't had much experience having these types of conversations. Although, some of the discomfort could stem from trauma. Knowing that in the past conversations, even easy ones, have gone sideways. Granted these conversations took place with those I would now class as "unsafe" people. Hard conversations seem to go more pleasantly with "safe" people, who have taken the time to learn how to communicate effectively. Not a lot else has happened this week. I have been gaming like usual. Sleep has been a struggle for the past few days, which is unfortunate but a common issue with me. There isn't a lot on my agenda for the coming week, although this may change as the week progresses. How has this past week gone for you?



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