What can I say about this week 🤔. Not a whole lot of interesting things took place actually. It's been a pretty chill week.
I spent time with M when he was off work, I spent time with D online, and I spent time with V a lot of the time. Spending time with myself also happened, mainly gaming and watching TV 😂.
M got news that his shifts at work may be changing soon. If things go the way he got told, he should have set days/hours every week. Which is good for my autistic need for routine 😂.
D is coming back in about 9 days 🥳. So far we have limited plans for when he's here. I do hope to be able to take him to my favourite place here, and we both hope to have a date day/night. We usually make plans on a day-to-day basis, given we won't know what we feel like doing until the day 😂.
One last big thing, my giveaway is now live! Anyone can enter over on my Discord. The prize for this first giveaway is a paperback copy of Prompted Stories. I'm still working on making my discord more active and such, but I'm unsure how to do this 😂. What would you like to see or be done on my discord?
I believe that's all for this week. Next week is the last week of the summer hols. So, at some point, we need to try to get back into the school routine before the actual day. Which shouldn't be too difficult, at least not for us grown-ups 😅.