Happy 1st of October! It is the start of a new month 😯. I can't believe how close it is to the end of the year too. Time sure is flying 😅. Now it is the spooky season, and we have to think about Halloween 😅.
Most of this week has been fairly standard. D is back now! He arrived on Friday, he will be staying for a lil while. Everything else has been pretty normal.
On Friday when I met D off the train, we had a little sit down at the pond while we waited for the bus home. I took this opportunity to give him a little surprise I had been working on. I have been asked not to share the contents as of yet, but I will show it eventually. Perhaps next week, or the week after.
On Friday I also took D to see our fair, since it was visiting. We had a nice little walk around, went on Hook-a-Duck and similar stalls. D won me a rainbow Teddy, which is adorable. Afterwards, we had a slow walk home.
Yesterday we (D, M, and myself) went to the first Pride event held here. It was a little small but we had a nice time walking around. Some people were performing in various areas too. I got a couple of things from some of the stalls: some new pins, a headband, and a necklace.
My graduation is in a couple of days (Wednesday), I'm still nervous but I am excited too. I'm not 100% sure what to expect, but knowing D, M and my mum will be there helps a little. I will probably write about my graduation in the next Gazzete 😅.
V is excited for Halloween. She still has to choose what she wants to dress up as. So far she has mentioned being a witch, ghost, and a pumpkin. We need to ask her again in case she has changes her mind or settled on what she wants to be 😂.
D and M were discussing decorating D's room yesterday. It was fun listening to them talk about their ideas. I enjoy listening to them talk about most things though.
With that said, I think that brings me to the end of this Gazette. How has your week been for you?