Sat on my mums doorstep, waiting for her to get home, and I start thinking about my first post here. What should I post? What would be good? What would be interesting? So many questions all at once, but what if these questions didn't matter. What if, I just wrote whatever I wanted 🤷♀️. Surely, that's what everyone else with a blog does 🤔. Writing for myself first, seems like the smartest way to go about this. In that case, this first post is going to be a ramble. Perhaps, a bit all over the place.
Shall I start with discussing why this blog, and discord, came into fruition? Yes, let's do that. For a while now I have been contemplating setting up a discord and blog. My ideas came from my curious nature, and wanting to share that curiosity with others. My hope for the discord is for it to become a place where those from all walks of life can share their knowledge, experiences, and learn from one another. Perhaps, even make a friend or two along the way. I do hope to also use my discord as a way to collect information (from consenting parties) to help research for blog posts.
For now, I don't have a schedule for posting things. I am just posting as and when I can, or when I have something to discuss. I guess I'll leave this post at this for now. Until next time! 👋✨️